The Thing In The Eleventh Hour (EP)

by The Aleatoric Chamber Ensemble

Nytt skivsläpp från The Aleatoric Chamber Ensemble på gång! Här kommer ett smakprov av vad som komma skall!

This EP is a greeting card of what is to come in the upcoming full release by the Aleatoric Chamber Ensemble. Featuring:My Eklund: Contrabass RecorderPer Gärdin: SaxophonesDaniel Borgegård Älgå: Bass clarinetLars Bröndum: Modular Synthesizers, Buchla Easel, Arp 2600, Theremin and other sound generating objects The previous release ”Aleatoric Anthems and Palindromes” won an award for the ”Best Experimental Album” at the Manifestgala 2022 arranged by SOM (Swedish Independent Music Producers).Album cover by Dylan Weaver.

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